Congrats and welcome! Chances are that if you clicked on this link, you already know it’s time to break up with your cell phone (at least in the bedroom) but may not know how to stop using your phone at night. And that’s great news—admitting the problem is the first step to fixing it, as they say. So think of us as your cord-cutting concierge.
Instead of preaching or boring you with statistics (although you can read some here if that’s your thing), we’re simply here to lend a helping hibernating hand. We know you can tackle it; below are three tried and true methods to help you achieve those (literal) dreams.
Dedicated scrolling time
Since mind-less scrolling is often the culprit behind why people are staying up on phones, how about making it a mind-ful part of your day instead? One pointer on how to limit phone use is to set aside some dedicated daily screen time for you to catch up on Instagram, get sucked into a game of Candy Crush, or down an internet rabbit hole—whatever your digital vice is, no judgements here! Just make sure to schedule it at least an hour before you hit the hay.
Physical separation
Putting the phone down and stepping away from it is sage advice that’s harder than it seems. Experts like Cal Newport, a digital-technology scholar, recommends putting your phone down in a specific spot and not touching it until the allotted time is up. For him, that means leaving his phone in his foyer as soon as he walks in the house and leaving it there until he goes out again. A more realistic suggestion on how to stop using your phone before bed might be to try plugging in your phone in the living room or kitchen, then go off to bed and don’t look at it until morning.
Keep yourself honest
Check in with yourself, at least in the beginning. Download an app to help you track the time you’re spending on your phone. There are a host of them out there, so pick what suits you best. Fun fact: Loftie actually started out as an app like this, but we ultimately decided to make physical products that actually helped us do the thing. We still think they’re a great idea, though.
Say ‘no’ to notifications
One way we all get sucked into scrolling is when we hear our phone ping and automatically pick it up to see what’s happening. Limit those noises and you’ll cut way back on the time spent looking at your phone. Want to take it a step further? Turn off your badges, you know those little numbers that tell you how many texts and emails are trying to get your attention.
Time for a clock
We may be biased (duh) but one of the best suggestions we’ve heard is to use an alarm clock that’s separate from your phone. That way there’s no slippery excuse for having your phone by your bedside which might oh-so-easily tempt you into one last quick peek at your feed.