We are pretty confident you’re going to love your Loftie, but in case it’s not a match, we make it easy for you to return or exchange. To start a return, email and include the reason why you would like to return.
We are pretty confident you’re going to love your Loftie, but in case it’s not a match, we make it easy for you to return or exchange. To start a return, email and include the reason why you would like to return.
You have 30 days from delivery to return or exchange any order placed on our website.
All parts, including accessories, must be in like-new condition.
Returns should be sent back in original packaging.
If you no longer have the packaging, please include enough protection that the device does not get damaged in transit. If your Loftie arrives damaged or without all accessories and parts, you are eligible for up to a 50% refund.
We’re dedicated to processing your return as quickly as possible. You’ll receive an email confirmation once the exchange or refund has been initiated, generally within 24 hours or less.
All items are eligible for return except for the Mouth Tape, Puzzles, Sleep Masks, Dark Dots, The Magical Dream Box Books, and Gift Cards.